Saturday, December 19, 2015

All That Glitters Is Not Gold

I ordered a custom made mask for a charity masquerade ball from a local artisan yesterday. She will do the designing. I am not too big on masks. They are meant to disguise who we really are. I am who I am and I see no reason to hide my face; wrinkles and all. Those wrinkles are mine and it's taken many years to acquire them. The mask that Brenda is creating for me will most probably have feathers and glitter. I know her work. It will be fantastic. But, it will not be me.

We all already wears masks from time to time. Some of us wear them all of the time. It can be difficult to get through the layers of masks to see who the person really is. We encounter happy, smiling faces all of the time just to find out later that the person is wearing a mask. They may be sad underneath the mask. They may be grieving. They may be jealous or even vindictive and out to harm others. Just because the mask one wears give us the impression that all is well; even extraordinarily well, does not mean that it actually is. All that glitters is not gold. Most of the time glitter is just glitter stuck on with a bit of glue. Be careful then who it is that you would follow; who you would keep confidences with; who you would ally with. Watch for the masks! It can be very difficult to discern who is really underneath them.

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves." Matt 7:15

God's Peace - Pr. J

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