Sunday, July 8, 2012

2 Chronicles 12 - Humble Yourself

Rehoboam totally abandoned the will, the ways, of God.  And... he was humbled.  The LORD sent Egypt against him.  Rehoboam was humbled and repented and the wrath of the LORD was turned from him.  Yet, Rehoboam's reign was a reign of evil in the sight of the LORD.

What can I say?  Repent and turn to the LORD for He is merciful and kind.  Oh, that all whom Jesus' died for would humble themselves and turn to the one who died to save them.

When I read the lessons and begin writing, I often wonder how many people who are reading this are thinking "what an old fool."  That may be true, but I'd rather be an old fool than lost.  I am totally serious.  It does not matter what anyone thinks of us.  There is only one way.  It is to follow Jesus in the way of the cross.  May we humble ourselves, daily, turning to the LORD, living in the Kingdom of God. 

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