Tuesday, July 31, 2012

2 Chronicles 35 - End of a Faithful Leader

Once more we see the end of a faithful king.  Although, it seems we haven't seen too many faithful kings!  God had promised Josiah that he would not see the suffering that God was about to bring on the people for the sins of their fathers, for the sins of the people.  To put it bluntly - Josiah is killed.  He is dead and the people grieve for this king who tried to make things right between them and the LORD.  He did what was right and the people loved him.

Can you imagine that Passover Feast?  Josiah and the leaders of the people were so concerned that God be worshipped; that the Passover be observed; and that the people's sins were covered by the blood of the Passover lamb that they, themselves, gave the sacrifices that were to be offered for the lay people.  Now that is a great king! Seems to me, that is what the King of Kings also did, for us.  But, in this latter case, the Passover Lamb was Himself and the blood was His own.  He was willing to give all for the people.

Josiah did what was right in the sight of God and the people loved him.  Tomorrow, in our final chapter in 2 Chronicles, we will see Jerusalem fall under the leadership of a king who will not do what is right in God's eyes.

There is a moral to this story (probably more than one).  It would be good if the leaders of our various countries would hear the stories of what has happened to countries whose kings would not lead them according to God's will.

May we set aside our meager false gods and worship the one true God that it may be well with us and our children and their's.

God's Peace - Judy

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