Friday, July 13, 2012

2 Chronicles 17 - Fear

Jehoshaphat followed in the ways of the LORD and was very successful as a king.  He became great and the people became great.  The people of the surrounding territorities all came to have fear of the God of Jehoshaphat.

I'm wondering how we measure success?  How did the people of Jehoshaphat't time measure success?  Jehoshaphat was feared because the God he served, helped him to conquer people and people feared his God. 

Personally, I get a bit tired of being feared, but, on the other hand, if being feared because I try to be faithful then I guess I'll be dealing with it for a bit longer.  And, I'm not even going around trying to conquering people, unless one considers being a fisher for men, a conquerer. 

Those who follow in the way of the LORD, will be feared by some, maybe even by many.  Was not Jesus feared?  Was that not why he was put to death?  Because, he was changing the way we are to look at success?  He was successful, because he was willing to die to do the Father's will.  He was successful because he was willing to humble himself, even on the cross, to die for you, for us.

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