Saturday, November 10, 2012

Psalm 28 - Who's Got Your Back?

Call me just a bit cynical, but I have a tendancy not to completely trust people who are "happy, happy, happy" all of the time.  Over the years, I've been taught, the "hard way" that people who smile ALL OF THE TIME, sometimes, have an ulterior motive.  Sometimes, I feel guilty about taking this attitude, but I've seen a few too many people attacked by "smiley faces." 

I am not alone in this assessment, though.  Psalm 28:3 (NIV) describes those who would smile at you and then attempt to destroy you. 

"Do not drag me away with the wicked, with those who do evil, who speak cordially with their neighbors but harbor malice in their hearts."

The recent presidential campaign was a good reminder that smiling faces sometimes are indicative of ulterior motives - motives that don't necessarily have the good of the people as a priority.  Watching some of that propaganda really turned my stomach.  Even though, I am a bit cynical anyway, it was still difficult to believe that people could lie to that degree with such sincere smiles on their faces.  Unless, we start holding our elected officials accountable for the lies that they are willing to tell to justify their own actions, we are going to find ourselves in a whole lot more trouble than we can imagine.  Peace, peace, they promise, but harbor malice in their hearts. 

Sorry, I'm more cynical than normal today about the condition of humanity. It doesn't help that I've just turned the television on to find out that General Petraeus has resigned because of adultery.  We will probably never hear the rest of that story.  But, don't despair.  The Lord is the strength of His people, a fortress of salvation for His anointed one. He will save His people and bless us.  He will be our shepherd and carry us forever.  In the sight of the enemy, the LORD will do this thing.

When I'm not sure if I can trust someone and safely turn my back, I remind myself that I can trust the LORD and He's got my back.  There is nothing to fear.  He is my strength and my shield.

God's Peace - Pr. J

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