Monday, November 26, 2012

Psalm 44 - Save Us Again!

You saved us from our adversaries before, O God.  Save us again! 

The Isralites remember the stories of God strong arm saving from their enemies.  The Psalmists acknowledges that it was not they that won the victories, but that God had won them for them.  Those were tough times.  Apparently, they are struggling through some more tough times and call upon the LORD to save them

As we recount the stories of God saving His people, sometimes we neglect to remember that in order to be saved from their enemies, first they needed something to be saved from.  Life for the people in the stories we recall from antiquity was not easy.  They suffered and God saved them. They sinned and God saved them.  They were hungry and thirsty and God saved them.  They were attacked and God saved them.  He brought them to the promised land.  He was with them

There are times that we may feel like maybe God has rejected us and left us like sheep for the slaughter. He has not.  There are times when we think, maybe, God is still on Sabbath; that He's sleeping or maybe He's just forgotten us.  He has not. He is with us always. But, that does not mean that we will not, from time to time, suffer.  In fact, if you truly follow in the footsteps of Jesus, you can pretty much be guaranteed that life will not be free from suffering.  Following in the footsteps of Jesus means that we will go where he has been.  His journey took Jesus through much suffering.  It takes us to the cross. And, finally the footsteps lead us to the promised land - our Father's house - the Kingdom of God.

Remember what you have heard with your own ears...  Through His Son, Jesus the Christ, God has saved you.  He has rescued us from the enemy, in His never failing love.

God's Peace - Pr. J

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