Monday, November 19, 2012

Psalm 37 - The Meek Share!

More blessings and curses...

Those who demand of others will see their own end.  "But the meek will inherit the land and enjoy peace and prosperity." (vs 11 NIV)

I have been considering something that I witnessed quite often lately.  Greed and selfishness abound and for no reason that I can quite put a finger on, except maybe a lack of empathy or compassion for others.  It has to do with table manners.  It is most recongizable in children, although I see this example in adults, from time to time, as well.  I first started recognizing this behavior in a few of our past foster children and I've seen it in some of our adult foster childen from time to time.  With them, I usually recognize it as a symptom of mental illness or previous abuse or neglect.  Some of them had so little to eat in their previous homes, they are afraid if they don't fill up now they may not get another meal for some time.  However, I don't know what to think about people who are mentally healthy (or at least appear so) and don't have a history with childhood neglect who do this. 

You've probably seen it.  It's the habit of some who have to have the biggest portions and then while others do without, they decide that they weren't that hungry and throw it out.  You see, some people (at least I was) taught that you take no more than you can eat and if there is not that much on the table to go around, you take less so that those whom you love will have more. Maybe, that's it.  Maybe, we don't know how to really love these days. 

I just don't get this concept of having to have the best and the most and leaving the crumbs to those whom we claim to love.  What was it that Jesus told Peter?  "If you love me, feed my sheep."  (JOhn 21:17) Consider the plight of those whom you love - consider the plight of those whom God loves - give generously - share generously. 

By the way, taking from the rich to give to the poor is not exactly the way those who will inherit the kingdom do it.  Scripture tells us:  "Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." (2 Corinthians 9:7)  A gift given under compulsion is a tax, not a gift.  It was the meek widow who put her last penny into the offering, because of her love and faithfulness, that Jesus commended.  (Mark 12:41-43 and Luke 21:1-4)

"The wicked borrow and do not repay, but the righteous give generously; those the Lord blesses will inherit the land, but those he curses will be destroyed." (vs 21-22)

God's Peace - Pr. J

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