Sunday, December 23, 2012

Psalm 71 - Aging

It is inevitable that with each passing year, we will change.  Our bodies grow weary, some of us begin to lose memories of the past, we grow old and sometimes we wonder, or rather are made to wonder by others, if God has forsaken us. 

God has not forsaken us. He is our strength when there is none left within us. He is our rock and our fortress.  Our faith should not be weakened with the passing day, but grow strong as we learn day by day, minute by minute, to depend on Him for our very breath. Our faith shall grow stronger as each day the hope of living "whole" in His kingdom is renewed. Though we have seen troubles, many and bitter, God will restore our lives again; from the depths of the earth, he will bring us up again. He will give us comfort. (vs. 21-22)

Even when we are old, we will remember with thanksgiving the God who has been with us and will be with us all of our days.  He is our hope and our salvation.

God's Peace - Pr. J

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