Sunday, December 30, 2012

Psalm 78 - Who Is Listening To The Things Of Old?

So, who is listening?  Are we teaching the things of old to the next generation so that they in turn will tell their children and they would put their trust in God?  (Psalm 78:1-4, 6 NIV)

How long will God restrain His anger against those who refuse to hear His Word, who refuse to teach it to their children?

Yesterday, my youngest granddaughter wanted to know what the world stubborn means.  I'm thinking her older sister probably had implied that she was being stubborn.  Stubborn, I told her, means that someone always has to have everything their way no matter who it might hurt.  Stubborn means that someone is not willing to listen to others. They are not willing to learn or grow from the experience or knowledge of others. Stubborn means being unwilling to compromise in the way that things are done, even if compromising is the best and right thing to do at the time. Yes, one little question, will get my grandchildren lessons and lectures...

But, they need to know... that there are things that cannot be compromised. The Word of God cannot be compromised.  But, there are also things that we do need to find a compromise to, so that we can live in relative peace and harmony. Things like what we're going to eat for supper, we can compromise on. Or... what to wear to school, where we're going on vacation, what movie to watch, how and when to weed the garden. So long as none of our compromises involve going against the Word of God, God's will for humankind, compromise can be a very good thing. 

And... how do we know what is God's will? We hear His Word, we read and study scripture (just like you're reading Psalm 78 today), and we listen to those who would teach us.

Are you listening? Are you teaching the things of God to the next generation so that they would put their trust in God and would not forget his deeds but would keep his commands; so that they would not be like their ancestors—a stubborn and rebellious generation. (vs 7, 8)
God's Peace - Pr. J

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